What is a “Unit” in a Tennessee Condominium?
June 24, 2013

Previously, we briefly touched on what is a Unit in a condominium development.  Given that there is often a great deal of confusion about what a Unit Owner in a condominium development in Tennessee actually owns, it seems prudent to expand upon the concept of what a Unit actually is. First, there is no common…


A Condominium Association is created and governed by its Master Deed/Declaration
April 8, 2013

A condominium association, though similar in many respects to a homeowners association, is more complex. It has protective covenants and common areas. It levies assessments as provided in its declaration or master deed. However, the maintenance of its common areas are likely more expensive and the declaration or master deed also creates the individual units….


A Homeowners Association is governed by CCRs
April 1, 2013

A homeowners association governs a single-family, planned development made up of lots. Typically, these lots are shown on a plat. The plat will subdivide a larger parcel of real estate into individual lots which are improved and sold. The plat may also include common areas. Typical common areas are entrance features, private roads, walkways, ponds…


What are the differences between HOAs and Condominiums Associations?
March 25, 2013

There are two types of associations in Tennessee, homeowners associations and condominium associations. While there are many similarities between the two, there are important differences. These differences impact how the association act and what they can and cannot do. The major difference between homeowners associations and condominiums associations revolves around the type of real property…